Caldaia in blocco: cause e possibili soluzioni


Boiler problems effective solutions, How many times, especially during the cold winters, have we found ourselves dealing with a capricious boiler, reluctant to provide hot water or activate the radiators?

When faced with a blocked boiler, it is impossible to ignore the problem, especially when the lack of domestic hot water makes life particularly difficult, especially with small children at home.

But what actually causes a boiler to block?

The reasons are many and do not always depend on defects or malfunctions internal to the device. On the contrary, there are often external causes that prevent the boiler from functioning properly.

Do you want to know more about how to deal with problems with your boiler? Find useful advice on and learn more about the topic on .

Face the problem with awareness and discover how to keep your boiler efficient even in critical moments.


Boiler problems effective solutions


Boiler blocked: most frequent causes

Let’s start by clarifying what it means to have a blocked boiler. A boiler goes into lockout when there is something that prevents it from functioning correctly.

This activates a safety system, which locks the device, to avoid more serious damage.

As mentioned before, the boiler itself is rarely to blame for boiler failure.

There are various external causes capable of causing it.

The most frequent causes of a boiler blocking are the following six:

  1. Limestone;
  2. Gas failure;
  3. Damage to the electrical system;
  4. Low water pressure;
  5. Excessive air in the radiators;
  6. Insufficient exhaust gas draft.

We analyze each of these causes individually, also identifying possible solutions to the problem.

1. Boiler blocked due to excessive limescale

Limestone is one of the most ferocious enemies of plumbing systems. As happens with the water heater – we have already explained to you what to do in case of a water heater that doesn’t heat – and the taps.

The accumulation of limescale prevents the boiler from functioning correctly , causing it to block.

Limestone tends to obstruct the natural passage of hot water, causing a consequent reduction in flow .

An insufficient flow of water does not allow the boiler to activate , for safety reasons.

This is one of the most frequent causes , especially in areas where the water is denser and rich in limestone.

If you notice that the jet of hot water from the taps is much less strong than that of cold water, and that it does not reach the set temperature or even does not vary at all, and you notice a deposit of limescale in the filters or shower heads, then the boiler blockage problem could be due to this.

In this case, we recommend that you call a specialized technician , who will clean the exchanger using an acidic liquid, capable of dissolving limescale without ruining the system.

E’ possibile aggiungere alla caldaia un filtro anticalcare (dosatore di polifosfati) o un filtro defangatore, per ridurre il problema.

2. Caldaia in blocco a causa di un’interruzione del gas

Problemi caldaia soluzioni efficaci, Un’altra causa molto diffusa, slegata anch’essa dal dispositivo, è l’interruzione del gas.

Se manca il gas, in effetti, la caldaia non può funzionare, perché non può accendere la fiamma pilota necessaria per il suo corretto funzionamento.

Di conseguenza, in assenza di gas, la caldaia va in blocco.

Può capitare in caso di interruzione temporanea del servizio, per lavori di manutenzione del gestore.

Oppure, laddove la tua abitazione utilizzi un serbatoio di gpl per il riscaldamento e l’acqua calda sanitaria, potrebbe semplicemente essere finito il combustibile.

E tu debba procedere ad un rifornimento.

In entrambi i casi, puoi verificare se la causa della caldaia in blocco sia l’interruzione del gas aprendo un fornello della cucina. Se non fuoriesce il gas, allora è molto probabile che sia per quello.

Un’altra ragione alla base di una interruzione del gas potrebbe essere la rottura o l’ostruzione della valvola che alimenta la caldaia.

In questo caso, dovrai rivolgerti ad un tecnico specializzato, perché non è consigliabile un intervento fai da te.

3. Caldaia in blocco a causa di danni al sistema elettrico

Come sai, le caldaie sono alimentate dal gas naturale ma anche dall’energia elettrica, questo vuol dire che, in caso di guasto elettrico, la caldaia non potrà funzionare correttamente.

Qualora si verificasse, ad esempio, un guasto all’impianto elettrico di casa, o, molto semplicemente, dovesse mancare la corrente temporaneamente, la caldaia risulterebbe spenta.

Perché senza la corrente elettrica non è possibile innescare la scintilla che aziona la fiamma pilota della caldaia.

In questi casi, non puoi fare altro che risolvere il guasto o attendere che torni la corrente.

Se non dovesse trattarsi di un guasto all’impianto, o di una interruzione temporanea, allora ti consigliamo di controllare lo stato degli elettrodi, che potrebbero essersi ossidati, oppure la batteria, magari esaurita.


Boiler problems solutions


4. Caldaia in blocco a causa della bassa o alta pressione dell’acqua

Ogni caldaia è dotata di un manometro, che indica la pressione. Questo deve essere ad un livello compreso tra un minimo di 1,2. E al massimo 1,5 bar, cercando di non scendere né salire oltre questi due livelli.

Se la pressione scende sotto 1,5 bar la caldaia va in blocco. Perché non è sufficiente a garantirne il corretto funzionamento.

Per aumentare la pressione ai livelli desiderati è necessario azionare manualmente la manopola. Ricordandosi sempre di non superare i 2 bar.

However, if the pressure is too high, therefore greater than 2 bar. All you need to do is ventilate a radiator or towel warmer you have at home. Lowering it below the recommended maximum level.

5. Boiler blocked due to excessive air in the radiators

The air inside radiators can cause bubbles which prevent them from heating evenly.

Also in this case, as explained in relation to excessive water pressure, you will just need to vent the radiators , one at a time, in order to free them from what was blocking them.

Remember, in any case, to check the boiler pressure at the end of the radiator venting operation

To avoid problem number 4.

6. Boiler blocked due to insufficient exhaust gas draft

The causes listed so far are almost always easy to identify and resolve.

The latter, however, is a little more complex to deal with independently.

We are referring to the correct draft of the exhaust gases, which allows the boiler to expel them adequately.

An obstruction of the exhaust gas draft systems prevents this process.

By retaining the fumes and blocking the boiler .

In these cases, you will need to call a qualified technician to carry out a complete cleaning.


Boiler problems



Boiler problems effective solutions, Here is a useful summary for dealing with boiler problems:

Dealing with a boiler blockage can be frustrating, but the solution may be more accessible than you think. The causes can vary, some simple to resolve, others more complex. Before considering replacement, take time to identify the problem. You may find a zero-cost solution.

If your boiler has accumulated many years of service and appears to be past its prime, it may be time to think about a more efficient model.

For further information and advice on boilers, visit the website . If you want to learn more about related topics, take a look at the blog on .

Remember, maintenance and knowledge of your system can make the difference between a simple repair and the need for an expensive replacement.

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